

Important Information

You must read this important notice before you attempt to access the electronic version of the Prospectus through this website. The information on this page is not part of the Prospectus. If you do not understand it, you should consult your professional adviser without delay.

Lodgement of Prospectus with ASIC

Western Gold Resources Limited (Company) has lodged the prospectus accessible through this website dated 18 May 2021 (Prospectus) with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

An application for securities can be made by completing the Application Form attached to or accompanying the Prospectus and then lodging the form and the application monies in accordance with the details set out in the Prospectus and the Application Form.

Neither ASIC nor ASX Limited takes any responsibility for the contents of the Prospectus or for the merits of the investment to which it relates.

No Advice

Nothing contained on this website or in the Prospectus constitutes investment, legal, business, tax or other advice. In particular, the information on this website and in the Prospectus does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs. In making an investment decision, you must rely on your own examination of the Company and the securities and terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. You should consult your professional adviser for legal, business or tax advice.


For legal reasons, the electronic version of the Prospectus accessible through this website is available to persons accessing this website from within Australia only. If you are accessing this website from anywhere outside Australia, please do not download the electronic version of the Prospectus.

The Prospectus does not constitute an offer of securities in any jurisdiction where, or to any person to whom, it would not be lawful to issue the Prospectus or make the offer. It is the responsibility of any applicant outside Australia to ensure compliance with all laws of any country relevant to their applications, and any such applicant should consult their professional advisers as to whether any government or other consents are required, or whether any formalities need to be observed to enable them to apply for and be allotted any securities.

By proceeding, you acknowledge and agree to the above statements.


Our Board

Board Of Directors

  • Warren Thorne

    Warren Thorne

    Managing Director

    Mr Thorne is a geologist with over 20 years’ experience mainly associated with gold, iron ore, copper and manganese within Western Australia, Queensland, Brazil and West Africa.

    Mr Thorne has extensive experience in all stages of regional and near-mine exploration project management, from conceptual targeting and ground acquisition through to resource definition drilling programs and open cut mining geology.

    Mr Thorne has held senior exploration and project management roles with a variety of major Australian and international companies including Mineral Resources Ltd, Rio Tinto Iron Ore, Hancock Prospecting

  • Gary Lyons

    Non-Executive Chairman

    Mr Lyons is a successful and well respected Perth based businessman; being a shareholder and the Managing Director of the Heiniger Group’s Australasian operations for the last 32 years.

    Mr Lyons is also Chairman of GWR, and is a member of both the GWR Audit & Risk Management Committee and the GWR Remuneration Committee. Mr Lyons is also Chairman of ASX listed Tungsten Mining NL and E-Metals Limited.

  • Teck Siong Wong

    Non-Executive Director

    Mr Wong is a Malaysian based businessman with considerable international experience having worked in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and now in Malaysia and Indonesia after graduating with a Bachelor of Business degree from Swinburne University (Melbourne).

    Mr Wong is involved with the iron ore mining industry in Indonesia. He was previously involved in the sales and export of steel related products and was a director of a retail chain business in the United Kingdom, previously known as JW Carpenter Ltd. Mr Wong was working in the OEM plastic manufacturing industry in Hong Kong prior to taking up a position in the steel industry in Malaysia.

    Mr Wong is an alternate director of GWR and is also a non-executed director of ASX listed Tungsten Mining NL and E Metals Limited.

Company Secretary

  • Jess Lyons

    Jess Lyons

    Company Secretary

    Jess is a Chartered Secretary, a Fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia, and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia with majors in Investment Finance, Corporate Finance, and Marketing.

    Ms Lyons is also a Director of Nexia Perth and has a number of years’ experience as a Company Secretary with ASX listed companies in the resources and technology sectors.

    Jess also has 15 years of experience working in the stockbroking and banking industries and has held various positions with Macquarie Bank, UBS Investment Bank (London), and more recently Patersons Securities.